import argparse from pathlib import Path from difflib import unified_diff import subprocess as sp import yaml from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class TestCase: def __init__(self, name, input = None, file = None): = name self.input = input self.file = file def diff(expected: str, actual: str) -> str: expected_lines = expected.splitlines(keepends=True) actual_lines = actual.splitlines(keepends=True) return ''.join(unified_diff(actual_lines, expected_lines, fromfile='actual', tofile='expected')) def run_shell(shell: str, stdin: str) -> sp.CompletedProcess: return[shell], input=stdin, capture_output=True, text=True, env={}) def perform_check(expected: sp.CompletedProcess, actual: sp.CompletedProcess): assert expected.returncode == actual.returncode, f"EXIT_CODE_ERR: expected {expected.returncode}, got {actual.returncode}" assert expected.stdout == actual.stdout, f"STDOUT_ERR\n{diff(expected.stdout, actual.stdout)}" assert len(expected.stderr) == len(actual.stderr) or (len(expected.stderr) != 0 and len(actual.stderr) != 0), f"STDERR_EMPTY" if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("bshTestSuite") parser.add_argument('--binary', required=True, type=Path) parser.add_argument('--tests', required=True, nargs='+', default=[]) args = parser.parse_args() binary_path = args.binary.absolute() tests=0 errors=0 for test in args.tests: with open(test, 'r') as file: testsuite = [TestCase(**testcase) for testcase in yaml.safe_load(file)] print(f"\033[6m## \033[0m\033[34m{test}\033[97m") for testcase in testsuite: tests += 1 input = testcase.input if (testcase.file): with open(testcase.file, 'r') as file: input = actual = run_shell(binary_path, input) expected = run_shell("dash", input) try: perform_check(expected, actual) except AssertionError as e: print(f"\033[1m[ \033[31mKO\033[97m ] \033[0m{}\n{e}") errors += 1 else: print(f"\033[1m[ \033[92mOK\033[97m ] \033[0m{}") print("") if (errors > 1): s = 's' else: s = '' print(f"\n\033[33m✗ \033[34m{tests}\033[97m tests performed, \033[31m{errors}\033[97m error{s}\033[0m") exit(errors)