import re import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: python3 ") exit(1) source_code = open(sys.argv[1], 'r') Lines = source_code.readlines() test_file = [] def get_test(test, instr_addr, final = False): result = "" pattern_r = re.compile(r'R\[(\d+)\]=([+-]?\d+)') pattern_pc = re.compile(r'PC=(\d+)') pattern_mem = re.compile(r'MEM\[(\d+)\]=([+-]?\d+)') # Use the patterns to search for matches in the input string match_r = match_pc = match_mem = if match_r: number1 = number2 = result = f"{number1}={number2}" elif match_pc: number_pc = result = f"32={number_pc}" elif match_mem: number1_mem = number2_mem = result = f"{int(number1_mem) + 33}={number2_mem}" if result != "" and not final: result = f"{instr_addr}:{result}" return result instr_addr = 0 for line in Lines: if line.isspace() or ':' in line or line[0] == '#' or line[0:2] == '/*' or line[0:2] == '*/' or line[0:2] == ' *': continue elif '#' in line: tests = re.split(r'\s|,', line[line.find('#') + 1:]) for test in tests: new_test = get_test(test, instr_addr) if new_test != "": test_file.append(new_test) instr_addr += 4 # save test_file to a file named test.tmp with open('runtime_test.tmp', 'w') as f: for item in test_file: f.write("%s\n" % item) final_test_file = [] # go through Line in reverse order for line in reversed(Lines): if line.isspace() or ':' in line: continue elif line[0] == '#': tests = re.split(r'\s|,', line[1:]) for test in tests: new_test = get_test(test, instr_addr, True) if new_test != "": final_test_file.append(new_test) else: break # save test_file to a file named test.tmp with open('final_test.tmp', 'w') as f: for item in final_test_file: f.write("%s\n" % item)