# RISC-V Verilog This project is an educative project with the goal to implement a basic RISC-V CPU in Verilog for an educative purpose. This CPU will implement the RV32I ISA, with the following goals: - [X] Single cycle RISC-V RVI32I CPU - [ ] Multi cycle CPU - [ ] Pipelining - [ ] (Bonus) RISC-V privileged ISA # How to Run the Test Use the command : ```make TARGET=-``` With `test_bench` among the listed test bench in the `tb` directory and `sub_test` a source code file in the `tb/test_source_code/tb_` directory. \ Example: `make TARGET=risc_v_cpu-alu_instruction` You can remove the dash and `sub_test` argument to run only the non source code based test. \ Example: `make TARGET=risc_v_cpu` Or use `all` as a `sub_test` to run all test associated to a `test_bench`. \ Example: `make TARGET=risc_v_cpu-all` You can add the flag `debug` at the end of the command to open ModelSim interface. \ Example: `make TARGET=risc_v_cpu-alu_instruction debug`